Summary Of Recommendations For Restraining Children In Vehicles


Child Size, Height, Weight Or Age

Recommended Type Of Child Restraint

Infants and Toddlers

Children who are two years old or younger and who have not reached the height or weight limits of their child restraint

Either an Infant Carrier or a Convertible Child Restraint, facing rearward in a rear seat of the vehicle

Small Children

Children who are at least two years old or who have outgrown the height or weight limit of their rear-facing child restraint

Forward-Facing Child Restraint with a five-point Harness, facing forward in a rear seat of the vehicle

Larger Children

Children who have outgrown their forward-facing child restraint, but are too small to properly fit the vehicle’s seat belt

Belt Positioning Booster Seat and the vehicle seat belt, seated in a rear seat of the vehicle

Children Too Large for Child Restraints

Children 12 years old or younger, who have outgrown the height or weight limit of their booster seat

Vehicle Seat Belt, seated in a rear seat of the vehicle