Use Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) Fuels ONLY.
Fuel Operating Range Chart
*Number 1 Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel should only be used where extended arctic conditions (0°F/-18°C) exist.
Use of Climatized Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel or Number 1 Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel results in a noticeable decrease in fuel economy.
Climatized Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel is a blend of Number 2 Ultra Low Sulfur and Number 1 Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuels which reduces the temperature at which wax crystals form in fuel.
The fuel grade should be clearly marked on the pump at the fuel station.
The engine requires the use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel. Use of incorrect fuel could result in engine and exhaust system damage FUEL REQUIREMENTS – DIESEL ENGINE.
If Climatized or Diesel Number 1 ULSD fuel is not available, and you are operating below (20°F/-6°C), in sustained arctic conditions, Mopar® Premium Diesel Fuel Treatment (or equivalent) is recommended to avoid gelling (see Fuel Operating Range Chart).
Under some circumstances increased engine noise may be audible in the seconds following a cold start. This is most likely to occur when using fuel that isn't blended for the ambient temperature present. This may occur on an unseasonably cold day or when a truck is fueled in a warmer climate and driven to a colder climate. The noise can typically be prevented by using Mopar® Premium Diesel Fuel Treatment as recommended (see Fuel Operating Range Chart).