With Do Not Disturb, you can disable notifications from incoming calls and texts, allowing you to keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel. For your convenience, there is a counter display to keep track of your missed calls and text messages while Do Not Disturb is active.
Do Not Disturb can automatically reply with a text message, a call, or both when declining an incoming call and send it to voicemail.
Automatic reply messages can be:
“I am driving right now, I will get back to you shortly”.
Create a custom auto reply message up to 160 characters.
Only the first 25 characters can be seen on the touchscreen while typing a custom message.
While in Do Not Disturb, “Conference Call” can be selected so you can still place a second call without being interrupted by incoming calls.
Reply with text message is not compatible with iPhone® devices.
Auto reply with text message is only available on phones that support Bluetooth® Message Access Profile (MAP).