Avoid full throttle operation when the engine is cold. When starting a cold engine, bring the engine up to operating speed slowly to allow the oil pressure to stabilize as the engine warms up.
High-speed, no-load running of a cold engine can result in excessive white smoke and poor engine performance. No-load engine speeds should be kept under 1,000 RPM during the warm-up period, especially in cold ambient temperature conditions.
Your vehicle is equipped with an engine warm-up protection feature that may limit engine performance after cold starting at low ambient temperatures. The length of time engine speed is limited is dependent upon engine coolant temperature. Engine speed may be briefly limited to 1,000 RPM after starting with coolant temperature below freezing conditions, and may be limited to 1,000 RPM for up to approximately two minutes under more severe cold conditions.
Foot is off brake pedal and accelerator pedal.
Automatic transmission is in PARK.
Vehicle speed is 0 mph (0 km/h).
Applying the accelerator pedal will cancel fast idle.
Operating the exhaust brake at idle will greatly improve warm-up rate and will help keep the engine close to operating temperature during extended idle.